September 25, 2023
Practice quantum programming with the new PennyLane Challenges
Today, we're excited to launch PennyLane Challenges—a PennyLane coding experience where you can put your quantum programming skills to the test. Solve coding challenges that test your knowledge of quantum computing, and prepare for the next big quantum event.
PennyLane Challenges is the first of many interactive features we're building to bring the PennyLane ecosystem of resources to a whole new level. Learn quantum programming without the pressure of competition—with on-demand access and no time limits!
At launch, we've curated a set of six tutorial challenges that you might recognize from past PennyLane events. Solve them to hone your skills and start preparing for QHack 2024! 🎯 To take part, sign up for a PennyLane account and try these challenges today.
And while you're conquering coding challenges, make sure to also keep an eye 👀 on the PennyLane Blog and follow us on social media. Our team of quantum computing experts is constantly working on new and exciting challenges for you to keep up with the latest developments in quantum research and master cutting-edge quantum algorithms.
Have an awesome idea for the next PennyLane Challenge? Something you'd like to see on the platform? We'd love to hear from you! Join our community and let your voice be heard 📣 👉 Public Slack workspace (#pennylane-challenges) | PennyLane Discord (#❗challenges)
About the authors
Alvaro Ballon
Making Quantum Computing concepts accessible to everyone.
Alex Otto
Alex is a product manager at Xanadu. Coming from a background in mathematical physics, he now works on exploring new product opportunities to make the premier destination for quantum computing, and towards the goal of making quantum comp...