Quantum Compilation
Drastically reduce the size of your circuits to allow them to run on next-generation quantum computing hardware. On this page, you will find explanations and implementations of important compilation passes and techniques.
What is Quantum Compilation?

Loop Boundary Optimization
Optimizes redundant operations across loop iterations without unrolling.

Pauli Product Measurement
Maps a (Clifford + T) circuit to Pauli product rotations and measurements.

Two-qubit Synthesis
Creates a circuit with optimal CNOT gate count from a 4x4 unitary matrix U.

(Clifford + T) Gate Set
This target gate set contains S, H, CNOT, and T gates for FTQC.

RowCol Algorithm
Maps CNOT circuits to new optimized ones under constrained connectivity.

Parity Matrix Intermediate Representation
The parity matrix describes a circuit containing only CNOT gates.