Learn how to model noise and correct errors in quantum devices.
Learn how to represent noisy preparations, operations, and measurements to model realistic quantum computing scenarios.
All Mixed Up
All about density operators.
Operations with Mixed States
Build quantum circuits with mixed states.
Trace It and Forget It
Use density matrices to represent subsystems.
How good is the preparation of our state? Learn how to compare two quantum state using different measures.
Metrics and Distance
Calculate the distance between probability distributions.
Measuring Similarity
Use the Battacharyya coefficient to compare probability distributions.
The Trace Distance
Measure the distance between quantum states.
Calculate how close two quantum states are.
Noise got you down? Learn how we can leverage quantum properties to correct those pesky errors introduced by the environment.
Got Errors?
Review the foundations of classical error correction.
No Flip-Flopping Allowed!
Use quantum protocols to mitigate phase and bit flip errors.
Are You Shor This Works?
Correct errors using Shor's code.