Hi there 👋, I'm Javier. I’m currently working as a computational physicist and sometimes as a software engineer, creating and learning how to code and study some condensed matter (spin model) and chemistry structure using quantum computing, exact diagonalization, tensor networks, machine learning and deep learning techniques. Something I work in projects outside ''matter physics'' simulating some EDP, EDO, and astrophysics. Outside the ''academic'' code, I also work creating software (sometime).
My codes are written in general in Python, and some of them are in JS and C++ (soon I hope to write some of them in Julia or something weirder).
A lot of my projects are public, so, feel free to used and edit it for your pursues, the only thing, if you find errors or better ways to compute things, don't be shy, leave an issue in the repository, so I can see it and I can improve the code.
💬 My email is javier.norambuenal*sansano.usm.cl ( replace the * by the @
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