💫 Yo I am Sarker Saad Ahmed:
- 🔭 I am a Physics and Applied Mathematics 2nd / 3rd year student at Memorial University of Newfoundland
- 🌱 I am currently embarking into Quantum Mechanics, diving deeper into Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning with my keen research on making use of Quantum Algorithms, merge those algorithms into our Quantum Error Correction Code, mitigating noise that usually occur in the fault tolerant devices
- 👯 I currently volunteer as a mentor for Quantum Computing, Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics and have a keen interest on introducing my own society embarking into mentoring these courses for free open to everyone -💻My hard skills inlcude java, javascript, R, Julia and Python However, mostly used are Julia and Python given their diverse quantum modules [Qiskit, PennyLane, Yao.jl, QuantumAlgorithms.jl]
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