Tyler Volkoff
superfluids, quantum optics, quantum information, quantum computation
A Stones fan who occasionally calls TheWalrus. And not by telephone, baby.
Rather, a Xanadian working outside the Pleasure Dome. Luckily I can ssh in.
https://sites.google.com/site/tjvolkoff/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FdK-HywAAAAJ&hl=en
Energy dependent barren plateaus: T.J.V. "Efficient trainability of linear optical modules in quantum optical neural networks" J. Russ. Laser Res. 42, 250 (2021).
CV channel learning algorithms and no-free-lunch theorems: T.J.V., Z. Holmes, A. Sornborger "Universal compiling and (no-) free-lunch theorems for continuous-variable quantum learning" PRX Quantum 2, 040327 (2021).
Fun with the X8: T.J.V., Y. Subasi "Ancilla-free continuous-variable SWAP test" Quantum 6, 800 (2022). T.J.V. "Strategies for variational quantum compiling of a zero-phase beamsplitter on the Xanadu X8 processor" J. Russ. Laser Res. 43, 448 (2022).
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